Parents are even above God that need to be worshipped and not thrown out of their own homes. Mother is the one who carries a child in her womb for nine months and nurtures the baby in his childhood. Father is the one who gives all the financial support and the love to bring that baby up and to make him a dignified person in the society. If his parents would not have supported him, he would not have reached the good position that he is in today. Every children needs to be thankful for the support given by the parents. Putting them out of the home, for the sake of seizing the property is a selfish and inhuman practice. Looking after old parents is a responsibility of every child, any child not willing to do so should also not have any right over the parental property and assets.
The properties earned by the parents are their own. There is no rule that those properties have to be given to their children. They can even donate it to charity. But it is the courtesy of the parents that giving the property to the children has been a universal practice. For such kindness, at least we need to have the courtesy of looking after them till their death. Otherwise that will be a worst curse for children, throughout their life. So, there is the need of awareness about the moral teaching and the responsibility of the children about looking after their parents till their death. In case of any inhuman practice, there should be a strict law of punishing the children and giving the immediate solution for it.
What people need to realize is that what they have done to their parents, the same will be done to them one day by their own children. The more you will look after your old parents, the better you will be looked after in your old age. So whatever you give is what you get
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