The desire to learn more about your family tree is a natural one, given the long history of migration and ethnic mingling the world has witnessed. helps you trace your family members and relatives, and helps you become aware of where you belong. Some of the results can throw up many pleasant surprises, and who knows, you may just discover some relatives in a far-flung or exotic country. is compiled from information provided by people like you who wish to trace their roots and get close to relatives in distant corners of the globe. You get to know about your far relatives, trace your family tree and also know more about the traditions that may have been part of your clan.
By registering with, you open doors to information about your ancestry by getting acquainted with your grandparents or other relatives. Knowing more about your family history helps you know more about the quaint social customs and values you have followed for long, but never knew the origin of. You will be able to trace as much as you can find on distant relatives, cousins and other people related to you. Try it, you will be amazed by the results!
The best thing about our website is that you need not put in any legwork to track down your family members. Know more about your family history and traditions by registering with us. You can also submit additional data related to your family, so that we can help you refine your search, and help your distant cousins find you. By registering with us, you will find more about your family history, and know more about your heritage.
Your family tree could be very complex, with several branches and roots. We instruct you on how to source information about your family connections should you wish to submit a family tree. Do not hesitate, register with us now to know more about your family tree. Trace distant cousins in the land from where your ancestors migrated, or find out the fascinating history of your origin. Nothing can be as satisfying as tracing your extended family. Let us help you in your search for other members of your family.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Find Distant Relatives on Family Tree
Posted by
Family Tree
4:04 PM
Labels: family tree, genealogy site
Family Bonds Nurture Community Spirit
Family is the smallest unit in a community. It is also the child’s first school for learning values like sharing, caring and compassion. The family provides a secure setting where citizens of the future are molded to become responsible members of the community. This makes the family an important unit of the community, a place where the child learns human values and feels rooted.
The community spirit that is so important to keeping societies together is taught in the family. Families are increasingly becoming small, nuclear units. Migrations and other factors have led to the break up of the extended family system that once held together traditional communities. There was a time when an entire village or locality in a town would be inhabited by members of the same family, and everybody was everybody else’s cousin, aunt, brother, uncle or grandparent.
Migrations and economic realities have increased the physical distance between members of the extended family, and has resulted in the fragmentation of close knit communities that were once the backbone of any society. Young people feel increasingly alienated in a setup without community bonding. Their parents may not be able to spend quality time with them, or help them through various problems of growing up, and the community may not extend the help needed.
Families are the crucial element of a community. An extended family is a precursor to the larger social unit, society. Being part of an extended family teaches young people the importance of sharing and giving. Since the physical extended families are a rare experience, family trees that gives the relation a link on the monitor where people spend most of their time would be a better option. It helps them adapt better to the world at large. If the family has some trouble, then all members of the extended family chip in to help. Most importantly, the extended family absorbs shocks of death, divorce, illness, unemployment and other rampant problems facing families, giving children a safe, secure environment to grow in. This leads children to become better citizens who are able to fit in well in society and make important contributions to the community.
Our website is a tool to bring members of the family together. You can find your cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts and even distant relatives by searching through our generations database. We do not ask for sensitive information like credit card numbers, and you can choose which information you wish to display publicly in your search for family members. If you cannot visit your relatives, our website offers ways for you to share your happy memories and celebrate important occasions with them online.
Tel: +91 11 45531361
Posted by
Family Tree
3:53 PM
Labels: family tree, family tree create, genealogy site